Just a Moment News - 2024-05-12


Hello everyone, and welcome to “Just a Moment News.” I’m your host, Erika, and today, May 12th, 2024, we have a variety of intriguing news stories to discuss from around the world.

First up, let’s talk about the Eurovision Song Contest, which just concluded in Sweden. Swiss singer Nemo, who identifies as non-binary, has won the contest with their song “The Code,” which merges opera and hip-hop influences. Nemo’s victory is particularly notable as they are the first non-binary artist to win Eurovision, with a remarkable score of five hundred and ninety-one points. The song delves into Nemo’s personal journey and identity. The contest also saw Croatia’s entry “Rim Tim Tagi Dim” securing second place. Amidst the celebrations, there were protests concerning Israel’s participation and the disqualification of the Dutch contestant, Joost Klein, over alleged threats. This year also marked the fiftieth anniversary of Abba’s victory, adding a historical layer to the event.

Next, we have a story from South Africa, where Access Management Services (AMS), led by Lourens Oberholzer—the son of SA Rugby CEO Rian Oberholzer—has been chosen to organize two Springboks’ tests against Ireland in July. This decision has sparked controversy and accusations of nepotism, as no tender process was followed. Despite the criticisms, Saru defended the appointment, stating it was recommended by World Rugby and falls under a conflict management framework. It’s interesting to note that Rian Oberholzer has no financial stake in AMS, having left the company when he took his role at Saru.

Moving on, the South African Rugby Union (Saru) is facing legal threats over the costs associated with hosting Boks tests. During a recent meeting, Saru proposed concessions to its four main international franchises—Bulls, Sharks, Lions, and Stormers—to alleviate the ongoing dispute over the guarantee fees for hosting rights. The franchises are resisting the financial model approved in 2020, which they claim exempts them from paying these fees. This discussion is part of broader negotiations that include potential investment by Ackerley Sports Group in a commercial venture with Saru.

In another inspiring story from South Africa, Thea Booysen, an e-sports entrepreneur and game-streamer, has used her success in video game streaming to fund her academic pursuits in the UK. Booysen, who has degrees in law and psychology, is currently pursuing a master’s degree in neuroscience. Her journey reflects a unique blend of passion for gaming, academia, and innovation. Despite the uncertainty of job prospects in her field of study, Booysen remains committed to advancing her knowledge and contributing to the field of neuroscience.

From sports to space, Chris Birch, a former professional cyclist, has transitioned to become part of NASA’s astronaut class of 2021. Birch, who holds degrees in several scientific disciplines, found the NASA selection process engaging. Now nearly two and a half years into her astronaut training, she is preparing for potential spaceflights, including a hopeful journey to the moon. Birch’s story is a fascinating example of how diverse experiences can lead to extraordinary new paths.

Lastly, let’s delve into the world of entertainment with Netflix’s new series “Bodkin.” Created by Jez Scharf and featuring Will Forte, the series uses a darkly comedic lens to explore the world of true crime podcasting. Set in rural Ireland, the narrative revolves around Dove, a journalist who reluctantly assists in a podcast project. The show critiques the voyeuristic nature of true crime narratives while providing insights into personal and collective histories through Irish culture and folklore.

That wraps up our discussion for today on “Just a Moment News.” I’m Erika, and I hope you found these stories as fascinating as I did. Join us next time for more insights and discussions on the latest news. Have a great day!

Keywords - moment, daily, news