Just a Moment News - 2023-10-19


Erika: Good morning and welcome to Just a Moment News. Today is October 19, 2023. Let’s dive into today’s headlines.

First up, we have an article discussing the dark side of the Kusile power station’s comeback. While the return of units at Eskom’s Kusile power station has reduced load shedding, it has come at a cost to local communities. The temporary workaround used to operate the units before repairs are complete has resulted in increased pollution, which could lead to premature deaths and asthma cases. Local activist Bobby Peek argues that it is unfair to put people’s health at risk for electricity supply. However, the availability of the Kusile units is estimated to save the economy over R600 billion by reducing load shedding levels. Eskom faces a difficult trade-off between supplying power or reducing health impacts from its aging coal fleet. The article also discusses the challenges Eskom faces in balancing electricity supply while meeting emissions standards. Fully complying with standards could require decommissioning over 16GW of coal capacity, which would likely cause worse load shedding. Alternatives like distributed solar are suggested to replace aging coal plants and reduce both emissions and load shedding over time.

Moving on, we have a news story about the battle for the Zulu throne. The Gauteng High Court in Pretoria has reserved judgment in a case challenging the process for choosing the next Zulu king. Prince Simakade Zulu argues that he is the rightful heir to the throne and wants the court to set aside President Cyril Ramaphosa’s recognition of Prince Misuzulu Zwelithini as king. This court battle has caused ongoing divisions within the royal family and is expected to continue to do so. The battle for the Zulu throne involves power, culture, and money, as the chosen king will have significant influence over the 15 million strong Zulu nation. The ongoing court case is said to be depressing and a source of anxiety for the Zulu people, and the divisions resulting from this legal challenge are expected to remain even after the case is decided.

Next, we have a story about the City of Johannesburg’s financial struggles. The city hired debt collection companies to boost its revenue collection, but it has failed to pay them for their work in over six months. This has caused financial difficulties for the companies, with some having to lay off staff. While the debt collection drive improved revenue collection for the city, its overall finances remain precarious. It is billions in debt and continues to struggle to meet its monthly operating costs. The non-payment of the debt collectors has raised questions about Johannesburg’s financial management and ability to deliver services to residents. The city also faces challenges in addressing issues like housing and service delivery.

In other news, billionaire hedge fund manager Ken Griffin is building the most expensive home in the world in Palm Beach, Florida. Griffin has acquired land on the exclusive South Ocean Boulevard area since 2012 and now owns a massive 27-acre compound. He plans to build a 50,000 square foot main residence and guest house, making it the most valuable private residence in the world. Construction is already underway, and the home is expected to cost over $1 billion. Griffin’s estimated net worth of $34.2 billion makes this ambitious project attainable for him.

Lastly, we have news about an upcoming Netflix documentary called “Sly” about actor Sylvester Stallone. Directed by Thom Zimny, the documentary will look back at Stallone’s life and career in Hollywood. It will feature interviews with Stallone himself, as well as other stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Quentin Tarantino. The film will highlight Stallone’s success as an iconic action star, as well as his talents as a writer, poet, and filmmaker. The documentary gives viewers an intimate look at the driven artist behind some of the most memorable characters in cinema history. “Sly” will be released on Netflix on November 3rd.

And that wraps up today’s news. Thank you for joining us on Just a Moment News. I’m Erika, and I’ll see you next time.

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