Just a Moment News - 2023-09-24


Good morning, and welcome to Just a Moment News. I’m Erika, and today is September 24, 2023. Let’s dive into today’s headlines.

First up, we have news from South Africa. Eskom, the power utility company, has partially complied with a legal request to release redacted safety reports about the Koeberg nuclear plant. Anti-nuclear activists had demanded these reports as Eskom seeks a 20-year extension for Koeberg. The reports reveal safety concerns like cracks in the plant’s dome. However, three sections of the reports remain redacted for national security reasons. Activists argue that this withheld information hampers public understanding and input on the plant’s extension, accusing Eskom of abusing the legal process. This revelation has reopened the avenue for public consultation, although activists are still fighting for full disclosure.

Moving on to sports news, Ireland defeated the Springboks in a highly contested match, cementing their recent dominance over the South African team. Both sides scored a try, but Ireland had the edge in kicking and psychological resilience. The Irish victory marks their 16th consecutive win and positions them as strong World Cup contenders. Despite early troubles, Ireland’s strategic adjustments and solid defense held the Springboks at bay. South Africa did manage to earn a losing bonus point but was hampered by missed kicking opportunities and tactical missteps. The Boks will now focus on their upcoming match against Tonga, while their World Cup future partly hinges on Ireland’s performance against Scotland.

Next, we have news from the entertainment industry. The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) and the Writers Guild of America (WGA) are close to resolving a nearly five-month writers strike. After continuous talks, the AMPTP issued a “last, best, and final offer” to the WGA, signaling the end of significant negotiations. The focus on Saturday was on finalizing complex contract terms, including the use of generative AI and minimum staff guarantees for episodic TV. The WGA is expected to have major gains in compensation and benefits due to the strike. Both sides plan to meet again on Sunday. Once the WGA deal is finalized, SAG-AFTRA will be next in line for negotiations.

In tech news, Samsung is trying to break the Apple addiction among teens. The company has enlisted YouTuber and restauranteur Jimmie Donaldson, also known as MrBeast, to make content with its phones. Samsung hopes that this collaboration will showcase what’s possible with a Galaxy smartphone for aspiring and professional creators. The video features MrBeast driving expensive cars and includes Samsung’s phones in various scenes. Samsung is targeting the teenage market, which is currently dominated by iPhones. It remains to be seen if this sponsorship will influence teens to consider Samsung’s phones as an alternative.

Lastly, we have a heartwarming story from South Africa. Basson, the owner of Zamani Grill in Calitzdorp, is attempting to braai (barbecue) for 84 hours straight. He has been going at it for about 58 hours now and is doing well despite some tiredness and swollen ankles. Basson has already donated his first batch of braaivleis (barbecued meat) to the Calitzdorp Police and the second batch to a residential care home. He is now working on a donation to the Calitzdorp Feeding Centre, a local soup kitchen. His dedication and generosity are truly inspiring.

That’s all for today’s news. Thank you for joining me on Just a Moment News. I’m Erika, and I’ll see you next time.

Keywords - moment, daily, news