Just a Moment News - 2023-09-14


Good morning, everyone! This is Erika from Just a Moment News, and today is September 14, 2023. Let’s dive into today’s news stories.

First up, South Africa is facing a severe energy crisis. The country’s power demand has exceeded Eskom’s capacity due to a cold front, leading to unplanned outages and maintenance issues. The unpredictability of coal-powered stations and neglected maintenance are contributing factors. To mitigate the crisis, Eskom has been resorting to emergency measures like using diesel-guzzling turbines. However, they warn that higher stages of load shedding may be necessary if conditions worsen. Eskom has been urging consumers to cut power use, especially during peak hours.

In other news, hundreds of gold Kruger coins valued at 7.2 million Rand have mysteriously disappeared from a bank vault. Initially, a bank officer named Kevin Kaschula was convicted but later cleared on appeal. The case remains unresolved due to a lack of clear records and the complainant’s imprecise accounting of his assets.

Moving on, a convicted murderer named Danelo Cavalcante has been captured by Pennsylvania State Police after a two-week manhunt. He had escaped from Chester County Prison and was found hiding under a woodpile with a stolen rifle. Additional charges are pending against him. Some criticized the post-capture photo-op by SWAT teams, but authorities dismissed the critique. Cavalcante was sentenced to life for fatally stabbing his ex-girlfriend and is also suspected of a murder in Brazil in 2017.

Next, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher’s NFT-based web series, “Stoner Cats,” has been charged by the SEC for selling unregistered securities. The series allowed buyers of its NFTs to gain exclusive access to episodes and earn a royalty on resales. As the project suggested a return on investment, the SEC intervened. Stoner Cats will pay a fine, establish a Fair Fund for harmed investors, and destroy all unsold NFTs.

In Mexico, there has been a recent hearing in Congress featuring presentations on UFO sightings and “non-human corpses.” The hearing generated buzz on social media, with various communities discussing the event. However, scientific bodies in Mexico emphasized the lack of concrete evidence for extraterrestrial life.

Lastly, a renowned speedrunner named Niftski has set a new world record in Super Mario Bros. His time of 4:54.631 is nearly perfect and has integrated a previously considered impossible technique. Niftski’s record is only 22 frames away from matching a machine-assisted speedrun. He plans to continue improving his time in this category.

That’s all for today’s news. Stay informed, and have a great day! This is Erika from Just a Moment News, signing off.

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