Just a Moment News - 2023-08-11


Good morning, and welcome to Just a Moment News. I’m Erika, and here are today’s headlines for August 11, 2023.

First up, former South African president Jacob Zuma has appeared at the Estcourt correctional facility and has been released under a remission process. This comes after a lower court found his release on medical parole to be unlawful and ordered him to return to prison. Zuma’s initial arrest two years ago sparked violent protests across South Africa, resulting in over 300 deaths. He was sentenced to 15 months in prison for defying a court order related to a corruption inquiry. Zuma denies the corruption allegations…

In other news, a bruising taxi strike in Cape Town has come to an end after high-level negotiations between taxi bosses, the Western Cape government, and other officials. The main issue was the impounding of taxis, and a 14-day window has been created to address this issue. Both parties emphasized the importance of handling future disputes carefully to ensure public safety and service continuity. The strike had a significant impact on supply chains and public safety, with nearly 200 criminal cases linked to it…

Moving on, Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic has successfully flown its first tourists to the edge of space. This marks Branson’s first customer flight after years of delays. Virgin Galactic can now begin offering monthly rides, joining other companies in the space tourism business. Passengers on the flight included a former British Olympian and a mother-daughter duo from the Caribbean. The cost of tickets has increased from $200,000 to $450,000 since they were first offered in 2005…

In a lighter story, Lego has unveiled a new model of the iconic supersonic Concorde plane. The Lego Icons Concorde is nearly three and a half feet long and features a mechanism to raise and lower the landing gear. It also includes a manual lowering of the Concorde’s droop nose, similar to the real plane. The set offers a microscale view of the interior, showcasing the seating and toilets. It will be available to Lego VIPs on September 4th and to the general public on September 7th…

Lastly, Twitter’s rebranding as X has led to an online auction of items from the company’s previous branding. The auction includes typical office items like desks and printers, as well as unique pieces that reflect Twitter’s former aesthetic. These include a barn converted into a seating booth, a mural of Robin Williams made up of celebrity tweets, and bird-themed decorations. Even the building signs of the Twitter headquarters are up for sale. The auction offers a nostalgic look at the company’s past and a chance for Twitter enthusiasts to own a piece of memorabilia…

That’s all for today’s headlines. I’m Erika, and this has been Just a Moment News. Have a great day!

Keywords - moment, daily, news