Just a Moment News - 2023-08-10


Good day, everyone! Welcome to Just a Moment News. I’m Erika, and today is August 10th, 2023. Let’s dive into today’s headlines.

In Cape Town, taxi services have been suspended due to an ongoing strike. Santaco, the taxi association, is seeking an interdict against the City of Cape Town to release impounded vehicles. The strike has resulted in violence, damaged buses, and essential goods shortages. Efforts are being made to find a resolution, but tensions remain high. It’s a challenging situation for both the City and Santaco…

Moving on, devastating wildfires have swept through Hawaii’s Maui island, causing at least six fatalities and forcing evacuations. Fueled by the distant winds of Hurricane Dora, these fires have engulfed renowned tourist destinations. The situation is reminiscent of the wildfires seen in Europe earlier this summer, which have been intensified by record heatwaves and attributed to climate change. The affected areas include Lahaina, Kula, and Kihei. Thankfully, Hurricane Dora is expected to weaken in severity by Thursday…

In exciting news, Virgin Galactic is set to launch private individuals into space from New Mexico. The spacecraft, VSS Unity, will detach from its carrier, aiming for altitudes beyond 80 km. The crew onboard includes pilots, Virgin Galactic staff, and three private passengers. This mission marks Virgin Galactic’s seventh spaceflight and will provide the passengers with a few minutes of weightlessness. It’s an incredible opportunity for those involved…

Shifting gears, a new trailer for Peacock’s “The Continental,” a John Wick prequel series, has been released. Set in 1970s New York City, the trailer showcases a younger Winston Scott and Charon becoming embroiled in a battle for power within the assassin-filled Continental hotel. The inclusion of Mel Gibson as Cormac, the hotel head, has sparked controversy. The series will debut on September 22nd in the United States, and we hope to see it here in South Africa soon…

Lastly, we have some sad news. Sixto Diaz Rodriguez, the legendary singer-songwriter known as Sugar Man, has passed away at the age of 81. Despite his music not gaining much recognition in the US, Rodriguez became a folk-rock star in South Africa. It was only in the late 1990s that he was rediscovered and his story gained international attention through the documentary “Searching for Sugarman.” Rodriguez’s music and unique journey have left a lasting impact on the world of music.

That’s all for today’s headlines. Stay tuned for more news updates. I’m Erika, and this is Just a Moment News. Have a great day!

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